One day past the Nones and eight before the Ides of March, I awaken to the racket of gale force winds howling at the skylights. Blustery 40-50 mph north winds announce the arrival of White Owl Woman and her beloved minions of snow and penetrating cold. Denizens of the Llano Estacado tablelands brace for a thrashing. A glance at the back yard thermometer confirms it’s forty degrees colder than yesterday.
Wind gusts raze delicate pear blossoms and lavish blankets of white petals onto lawns. Petals mixed with remnants of dried autumn foliage form hodgepodge drifts along the leeward side of our abode. Cooper and I venture into the breath of Aeolus and wind-driven pear blossom flurries. Cooper is content to chase birds. I revel in the beauty wrought by chaos. I am delighted to find that blossoms in the wind shadow of trees tenaciously cling to life. They continue their spring ritual. I am passionately curious. I drink from the well of inspiration their example of perseverance provides. I allow my heart to feel what my eyes see. When I look deeply into nature. I understand everything, better.
© Ilija Lukić 2012
Enlightenment |
Spring Hodgepodge |
Aphid Shelter |
Wellspring Of Inspiration |
Rock, Paper, Scissors
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