Let your heart be a portal for the songs of the universe.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Las Sombras De Los Llaneros

Let your shadows be the footprints to mark your passage through our natural world.

- © Ilija Lukić 2013 -

Yo I Mi Sombra - Me And My Shadow

Admirador Secreto - Secret Admirer

Agua, Agua Por Todas Partes - Water, Water Everywhere

Carretera De Hielo - Ice Road

Cazador De Luz - Light Hunter

Corazón Salvaje - Wild At Heart

El Espantapájaros - The Scarecrow

En El Llano - On The Llano
Fantasma Del Llanero - Ghost Of The Llanero

Jardín De Yucca - Yucca Garden

Lampara De La Esperanza - Lamp Of Hope

Sombra Hirsuta - Shaggy Shadow

Sombra Verde - Green Shadow

Sombras De La Pradera - Prairie Shadows

Viejo Invierno - Old Man Winter

Promesas de Alegria - Promises Of Joy

Sarape Del Llanero - Llanero's Blanket

Vaquero Filaree - Filaree Cowboy

1 comment:

  1. Ilija what a legacy you will leave for people who walk the Ilanera Prairie in the far future. They will hear your voice from the shadows crying in the desert.. I will hear it in my mind as long as I live.....Jane Hutto
