Let your heart be a portal for the songs of the universe.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wind On Cottontop Flats

In the wake of his morning prairie romp into the parched plain of Eastern New Mexico, followed by a hearty meal, Cooper settles down for a requisite snooze. He drifts into dreamland. His paws twitch rhythmically. His nose chases scents of prairie quarry. His tail pounds the floor with every turn of the pursuit. Ears pinned back, his breathing labors as he obliges a large prairie hare with a foot race. In the language of my Serbian forefathers, Сања Од Сребрених Таласа На Мору Трабе - He Dreams Of Silver Waves On The Sea Of Grass.

In my mind’s eye I join Cooper in yesteryear’s waist high seas of cottontop grass straw on the Llano Estacado. The expanse we call Cottontop Flats remains a favorite. A brisk September wind roughhouses with the supple stalks and propels burnished ripples of silver swells across the surface. Cooper joyously surfs the wind-driven waves. He’s on the prowl for play pals--hare and doves.

In the prolific fields of my mind these daydreams ease the reality of a drought-stricken land. My heart bleeds for my brethren farmers, ranchers, and others whose life revolves around sod and soil. They cling to scant straws of hope. But, they do not surrender to the tribulations. They inspire us.
I pause and listen to the whispers of the prairie wind in this year’s cottontop straw. It already carries a hint of autumn. Relief is nigh!

© Ilija Lukić 2011

Сања Од Сребрених Таласа На Мору Трабе - He Dreams Of Silver Waves On The Sea Of Grass (Cooper)

Pathfinder (Cooper)

Bird Alert (Cooper)

Cottontop Straw Tapestry

Surfing The Sea Of Grass (Cooper)

Taste Of The Autumn Prairie Winds (Cooper)

Arizona Cottontop Flats

Broad Brush Strokes

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